Permanent Residence - General Information
If you meet the requirements stipulated by law, you can apply for a permanent residence permit. The permanent residence permit’s validity is not limited in time so it is not necessary to extend it. Only the validity of the residence permit document (biometric card) needs to be extended.
Under what conditions can you most often apply for a permanent residence permit?
- After 5 years of temporary residence in the Czech Republic.
- After 5 years of continuous residence in the EU Member States (only blue card holders and their family members who have been issued a long-term residence permit for the purpose of family reunification)
- Without the requirement of previous residence in the Czech Republic. It applies particularly to children born in the Czech Republic and minor children of parents with permanent residence.
How can you extend the validity of your permanent residence permit document?
You can extend the validity of a permanent residence permit document repeatedly for a period of 10 years, in the case of foreign nationals under 15 years of age for a period of 5 years.
For more detailed information, please see Extension of a permanent residence permit document’s validity.