Schengen Visa for a Stay Shorter than 90 Days for the Purpose of Seasonal Employment
What is a short-term stay?
A short-term stay is a stay lasting a maximum of 90 days. Conditions of a short-term stay depend also on the terms of the granted visa which may be, for example:
- number of entries (one, two or more),
- territorial validity (a visa valid for the whole Schengen Area or only for selected Member States),
- the period of the visa’s validity,
- the length of the permitted stay.
What is seasonal employment?
Seasonal employment is an activity depending on the season of the year. According to the Decree of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs of the Czech Republic No.: 322/2017 Coll., as amended by the Decree No. 468/2022 Coll. it concerns:
- Crop and animal production, gamekeeping and associated activities
- Forestry and logging
- Building construction
- Civil engineering
- Specialised construction activities
- Accommodation services
- Catering and accommodation services
- Architectural and engineering activities; technical testing and analysis
- Sports, entertainment and holiday services
Where can you apply?
You can only apply at one of the Czech Republic’s diplomatic missions. For a list of all Czech diplomatic missions and their contact details please see the Ministry of Foreign Affairs website.
For information on filing an application and the process of granting a short-term visa please see the Ministry of Foreign Affairs website.
Where can you apply for an extension of a short-term visa?
The conditions to extend a short-term visa are laid down in the Visa Code. If extending a short-term visa for the purpose of seasonal employment, please apply at the Unit for Residence Permits of the Foreign Police Section of the Czech Police Regional Directorate according to your reported place of residence.